Combo breaker

Sunday, 7 December 2014

For the past couple of weeks, I begrudgingly had an earworm called Blank Space by Taylor Swift.

But thankfully I got a new one. I appreciate it a lot Buzzfeed.

Quick Note... Prelude to Catching Up Pt 1

Monday, 1 December 2014

I suppose it's been awhile, hasn't it?

I've mostly been MIA for the past 2ish months because I had a couple of freelance projects lined up and I still have one that I'm currently in the process of working on.

Also, my soul was getting sucked away on app games and badminton, but I think the app games part is a mental reflex I tend to have in opposition to the amount of extra work I do sometimes. Maybe that's just me?

Regardless, I'll slowly come back onto here, filling you in what has been happening so far :P